Status Logs: rules

  <rulebase utc='20080602033628'/>
  <active utc='20080602033628'/>
  <update ready='no' utc='20080602033038'/>
  <latest rule='1911756'/>
  <histogram hits='580'>
    <g k='73990' c='14'/>
    <g k='285230' c='2'/> 
    <g k='800334' c='1'/>
    <g k='812688' c='1'/>
    <!-- many entries skipped -->
    <g k='1911678' c='2'/>
    <g k='1911682' c='4'/>
    <g k='1911752' c='7'/>
    <g k='1911756' c='9'/>

rules - Rulebase and rule activity data.

rules/rulebase@utc - UTC timestamp of the current rulebase file.

rules/active@utc - UTC timestamp of the last rulebase successfully loaded and now active.

rules/update@ready - 'Yes' if rulebase file on server is known to be newer than the active rulebase.

rules/update@utc - UTC timestamp of the rulebase available from the server.

rules/latest@rule - Latest (highest number) matching rule ID seen so far.

rules/histogram - Rule activity histogram for the given period. The histogram format is the same as the results histogram format (see above) except that in this case rule IDs are used as group keys for the histogram.

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